Adam Luptak


City Guides by National Geographic

May 2013
National Geographic partnered with Rally Interactive to adapt their acclaimed travel guides into a universal iPhone/iPad app.


To create the highly custom bubble map callouts with their optional crosslinks, we had to dig in and modify the code of the open-source MapBox SDK.


In our desire to make the app as useful as possible, we wanted to dynamically recommend optimal routes for user-created itineraries. To achieve this, we ended up implementing a Python-based Traveling Salesman Problem solution, which we exposed as an API that the app could hit.

As part of a team at


  • Development Lead

    Responsible for overall app architecture and data structures.

  • Development - Objective-C

    Built basic app architecture, data models, maps, and various sections. Utilized UIKit as well as the open-source MapBox SDK.

  • Development - Django

    Adapted a Traveling Salesman Problem solution to create a dynamic routing system for itineraries.